Monday 26 February 2007


In week 4 lecture the topic was MASTURBATION. When I first joined this module, I was looking forward to this topic. I wanted to know what I could learn from this subject and if it would be of any interest. I was also interested why it was on the module in the 1st place, because it isn't that BAD.
Fair enough it's still a taboo subject that people wouldn't be swinging from the chandelier's saying that they MASTURBATE, but it's not that BAD....

During the lecture I find out a lot of useful information that I was not aware of, on how the history came about and the painful devices that was invented to stop people MASTURBATING. It was quite shocking that people thought if you MASTURBATED you would end up getting Epilepsy or even dying.....

I know people felt uncomfortable with the questions that was being asked, even I did. I feel that if MASTURBATION didn't have a stigma attached to it then people would feel comfortable saying YES they masturbate. After all thats what happens regularly in the world today and we have to forget the stigma and let people carry on enjoying what they do best MASTURBATING

Men especially need to continue doing it because researchers have proven that masturbating can help prevent prostate cancer. Look at the website for more information:

Peer Show

In lecture we watched Peer Show. The main character was a man who fancied this woman and tried so hard to gain access to her computer through her password. In the end he find it out and started reading her private and personal e-mails.

The question we was asked was:-
When does a concerned interested in someone's activities become stalking?
Even something as small as trying to gain access to private e-mails is stalking it's a invasion of someone's privancy and could become even worse. I would say that all obsessions can lead to full blown stalking. I feel the stalker wants to be apart of the victim's life and this could be really dangerous if their mind is not stable and starts turning to nasty EVIL thoughts....

There will always be stalkers that take it to far and end up being so obsessed they kill their victims, like what Mark Chapman did to John Lennon in 1980 outside his New York apartment.Mark Chapman saw John not has a celebrity but much more his mind had him thinking all things that wasn't sane and normal. Please read on for more information>
I believe that stalking is BAD and WRONG it needs to be looked at because so many people are resulting to stalking. I watched a programme the other day and in America they are much more in tune with stalking and help to catch the stalker before he/she kills their victim or makes their victims life HELL unlike Britain who don't really take stalking seriously enough until it's too late and nothing can be done..........

Sunday 18 February 2007

Breakfast in Tiffany

We watched breakfast in Tiffany and was asked 3 questions.
Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not to supply it?

To me that all depends on whether the person says that they going to exchange sex for money or if they just trying to tease them enough so that they can use them in to getting quick money, so that would be the guy's fault for falling for this trick.... There are women out there that get anything they want by telling a guy what they want to hear. Is this prostitution if a girl is out and a guy buys her drinks and nothing has been mentioned about him getting sex and he thinks, because he brought the drinks he's getting some. That's all just cross wires and could end up being very dangerous with the woman ending up getting attacked.
It is better for both if right from the start they are both clear on what's going to happen and if the man is looking for a prostitute then he should go and find one that would fulfill his wishes.. money for sex.......

If it isn't prostitution, then is it more or less socially respectable?

I would say it's less socially respectable, but everyone has different standards and there are lots of women who like to get as much as they can from men, just because some man buys you something doesn't mean they have to get sex in return...
it all depends on how the woman values herself..

If it is prostitution, then how much is a reasonable change?

That's a hard question because I don't know the going rate they change for prostitution, so I would guess it would all depend how desperate the person who needed the money would change. So that could vary
I think prostitution is WRONG and BAD. The women that tend to sell themselves are not doing this because they enjoy it. They are mostly on drugs and only do it to pay for more drugs. Its a evil and cruel cycle that they can not break through. If you stop and think about it, its ashame that they put themselves in dangerous situation night after night all for money.

Family Guy

We watched Family Guy a cartoon where the mother was shoplifting. The 1st question asked was if shoplifting was different to any other kind of theft?

Yes shoplifting is different. After all your only stealing from the company and they can always replace the item back and the company. Fair enough they lose out money wise but the company hasn't got emotionally attachment to that pieces of item. People see stealing as they are not going out their to physically hurt anybody, which isn't the case if someone robs you of you personal items, you feel emotionally and physically hurt, which is not the case if you shoplift from a shop....

The 2nd question was why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead?

I really believe it's down to peer pressure if there friends are doing it, then they want to do it as well. It could also be the buzz they get when they steal something and get away with it. That it ends up like an addiction, which they can't stop even if they get caught. Even celebrities like Winona Ryder steals she can afford mostly everything, but she chose to steal its got to be the thrill and power they get when they leave the shop knowing that they have something in their pocket that they never paid for. Winona was caught but it was nothing to her because she could pay the fine or whatever punishment she received, so she never really learnt her lesson.
I personality have never stole anything, but I would not look down my nose at anybody who chose to take that path. People could be stealing because they can not afford to put food on the table. I don't think thats BAD or WRONG, but if you rob someone then that is BAD and WRONG. It might seem like I have double standards but that what I believe...


I wasn't at the smoking lecture due to the lovely weather, but I managed to look at the handout.
There are 4 catergories:-
1) you smoke regularly
2) you smoke occassionally
3) you smoked and gave up
4) you are a non smoker

Having looked at the catergories I am the occassionally smoker who mostly smokes when alcohol touchs my system and sends some mad nicotine craving desire or when i'm feeling stressed.

I can see people feel strongly against smoking and most non smokers have had family or friends that have been affected because of smoking, but I believe everyone has that attitude where they believe that it would never happen to them.........
But at the end of the day it is up to the individual if they want to smoke or not. The health warnings are advertised everywhere so they would always know the dangers....

In films they always portray the men to look hard and macho because they smoke and the woman are made to look sexy. To me smoking is a lifestyle choice you either do it or you don't.. I never ever felt pressured by my friends or films to start smoking it was my choice, it may not be the right decision but there are WORSER things out there that I could be doing?

If my friends don't want me smoking around them, I would not smoke around them. I do respect other people's opinions, but anyway every non smoker can be happy when the smoking ban comes into place, but yet again maybe not when they add tax on something else.....>

Friday 16 February 2007

first weblog

Well what can I say this is my first ever weblog and I really have no idea what i'm doing, here goes nothing?
When I signed up for being bad I had no idea what people would consider has being really BAD. But after reading everyone's confessions in the first lecture I guess we all have different views on what is bad and Iam not has bad as I once thought (ha ha) But I do know this course is going to be an good eye opener and it is also a way to find out what is really BAD and I'm looking forward to the other topics.
I'm still thinking where we can go on our field trip that would be really bad (ha ha) I'll keep you posted.