Sunday 18 February 2007


I wasn't at the smoking lecture due to the lovely weather, but I managed to look at the handout.
There are 4 catergories:-
1) you smoke regularly
2) you smoke occassionally
3) you smoked and gave up
4) you are a non smoker

Having looked at the catergories I am the occassionally smoker who mostly smokes when alcohol touchs my system and sends some mad nicotine craving desire or when i'm feeling stressed.

I can see people feel strongly against smoking and most non smokers have had family or friends that have been affected because of smoking, but I believe everyone has that attitude where they believe that it would never happen to them.........
But at the end of the day it is up to the individual if they want to smoke or not. The health warnings are advertised everywhere so they would always know the dangers....

In films they always portray the men to look hard and macho because they smoke and the woman are made to look sexy. To me smoking is a lifestyle choice you either do it or you don't.. I never ever felt pressured by my friends or films to start smoking it was my choice, it may not be the right decision but there are WORSER things out there that I could be doing?

If my friends don't want me smoking around them, I would not smoke around them. I do respect other people's opinions, but anyway every non smoker can be happy when the smoking ban comes into place, but yet again maybe not when they add tax on something else.....>

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