Sunday 15 April 2007

Violence on the street

Hi all,
What can I say, why is there so much violence in the world. You can't even go out anywhere without witnessing violent crimes. This very night my friend and I went out and yet again we ended up experiencing the same rubbish. Fights breaking out and bouncers trying to break up the commotion, police being called, shutting down the club. Now that's BAD. There are 2 reasons why I hate being in these situations cause I have thoughts running through my head 1st one is I have to leave the club safe cause I've got a child waiting for me at home... The 2nd one is why do they feel the need to wreck MY night I don't go out much and to finally go out to have the bar close at 12.00 because people cannot conducted themselves properly, gets on my nerves and makes me want to stay in.. I have noticed that as I mature the violence gets worse and worse. On a daily basics people are being KILLED from GUNS or KNIVES which is also scary and it makes me worry what the violence will be like when my son is of age. This thought frightens me so much now that is BAD. I've done my moaning now I'm off. bye

Thursday 12 April 2007

Hi is everyone enjoying the easter break.... I've been busy sorting out my son's b'day party which was on easter monday and doing essays so NO I haven't..

I'm now reflecting over the topics that we've learnt and they aint really BAD. Some was more shocking than BAD . I'll have to wait to find ot if the other 3 topics are really BAD.But if I'm honest their are other topics I thought would have been on here that are BAD : like rape/ date rape, child abuse, domestic violence etc... All of the above are DISGUSTING and EVIL things that happen and occur everyday, we see it portrayed in the media on a daily basics. When I sat down and started to think about it logically, it all about gaining power over someone, whether its a guy raping a woman, a child being assaulted by a adult or even a husband hitting his wife. Its about having and feeling that power and control that they can degraded the victim as much as they want and feel that nothing can stop them. My heart goes out to all the victims that suffer this BAD and WICKED things. I'm looking at my son and realise how can a person harm a innocent child its heart wrenching. There is innocent Victoria Climbie and all the other child who suffer abuse till they are murdered. The child forced to watch and suffer domestic violence every day that is what I would class as BAD not masturbating, body modification or gambling, smoking. This is all down to the individuals taste and personal preference.

I did wonder when I started this module what it had to do with Social Care but I have enjoyed learning the topics. It maked me think hard about what is really BAD.

This field trip I really can't think of anything too interesting that people would enjoy. Trust me I'm not normally this boring? But I'll decide before we break for summer.

Monday 2 April 2007

Bad Cinema

On week 9 it was Bad Cinema we watched a film called 'KIDS'. Larry Clark produced and released it in 1995. They gave the film a NC-17 so that no one under 18 could watch it. That is how BAD they said it was.... It felt like I was watching a documentary on the lives of teenagers doing all the BAD things that society class as BAD from smoking, taking drugs and having sex.
I was watching the film and thought that I was the same age or older than these 'Kids' in 1995 and I was amazed not because I'm a prune or anything but on what they actually was doing cause I never dreamed of doing such a thing. Basically I never seen 'Kids' before and here is a story cut short:-

The main characters were Telly & Casper and we follow their quest to sleep around. Telly liked young virgins who he told sweet nothings to, to get them to sleep with him... Anyone older would never fall for the bull that comes out of his mouth cause he's so bloody smug you would feel like hitting him and his friend Casper was a drunk and drug user who ended up raping Jenny when she was drunk and stoned surrounded by sleeping children.... need I go on...

I never felt sorry for Telly at all, but later on in the film it turns out that Jenny had caught HIV from him this is the guy who only apparently slept with virgins.... I did feel really sorry for her, cause she only slept with ONE guy and her friend who she got tested had slept with NINE and was clear. I felt the message that Larry Clark was portraying was that it can only take ONE time to have unprotected sex and catch AIDS or other STI's . That is why their was a lot of problems trying to release this film, because the individual never wanted to know that their child could be carrying on like the 'KIDS' in the movie... If I am honest the smoking, taking drugs and having sex is what society see as ADULT stuff, it would have been a waste of Larry Clarke's time using ADULTS that's why he used 'KIDS' instead to make it shocking and no one would have learnt the lesson he was trying to get make. There was a scene that I found disturbing when loads of kids started fighting this one guy and nearly left the guy dead. This reminded me of what is happening in the world now. I have seen this with my whole eyes and its not good at all. To me KIDS in society nowadays are either doing ONE or ALL of these things fighting, drinking, taking drugs and the raise in sexual transmitted infection has rocked so its like history repeating its self, which is really really BAD.

I just wish that 'KIDS' wasn't so quick too grow up.