Sunday 15 April 2007

Violence on the street

Hi all,
What can I say, why is there so much violence in the world. You can't even go out anywhere without witnessing violent crimes. This very night my friend and I went out and yet again we ended up experiencing the same rubbish. Fights breaking out and bouncers trying to break up the commotion, police being called, shutting down the club. Now that's BAD. There are 2 reasons why I hate being in these situations cause I have thoughts running through my head 1st one is I have to leave the club safe cause I've got a child waiting for me at home... The 2nd one is why do they feel the need to wreck MY night I don't go out much and to finally go out to have the bar close at 12.00 because people cannot conducted themselves properly, gets on my nerves and makes me want to stay in.. I have noticed that as I mature the violence gets worse and worse. On a daily basics people are being KILLED from GUNS or KNIVES which is also scary and it makes me worry what the violence will be like when my son is of age. This thought frightens me so much now that is BAD. I've done my moaning now I'm off. bye

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