Thursday 10 May 2007


*AGE: 26.
*SEX: F.
*What is your degree: DEAF STUDIES AND SOCIAL CARE.
*Does Being Bad relate well to the other modules you are taking? NO.
*Have you found Being Bad? TOO EASY.
*Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appriopriate? SOME WAS ALRIGHT, OTHERS I HAD NO IDEA WHY THEY WAS ON THE LIST.
*Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? YES, DRUGS.
*Do you think that the format for the classes has worked well? YES
*What did you think of the module team? ALRIGHT
*Do you think it would have been better to have had more smaller groups? YES
*Would you recommend Being Bad to a friend? YES
*Do you think that the blogs (web blogs) were a good idea? YES
*What did you think of the other assessment? IT WAS GOOD DOING THE ASSESSMENTS IN TWO DIFFERENT STYLES.
*What part of the module did you find most useful? BODY MODIFICATION, MASTURBATION, INFIDELITY, TELLING LIES.
*What part of the module did yo find a waste of time? SMOKING, GAMBLING,RELIGION.

Final Thoughts

Well its the end of the module already, so I thought I would be like Jerry Springer and have my final thought (ha ha). I really didn't think I could do a weblog as I had never tried before.But I had managed WELL.
All I can say its been GOOD not BAD blogging down my views and opinions on topics.
This module has been alright there were topics like gambling and religion that I never really enjoyed. However I enjoyed the rest and find some useful information out of it, which is a bonus.
I'm off now this is my last blog so NO more blogs, essays, presentations. I'm done till September. Everyone have a GOOD summer. Been nice blogging you.
Hopefully we'll have our trip out.
bye for now


I really believe this topic should have been on the module. Well my thoughts on DRUGS are they are BAD. There are all types of drugs prescription, illegal, etc. All have there way of getting a person hooked so that they are dependent to them BADLY.

With prescripted drugs these are what you get from the doctors. You start taking them for pain or as a anti depressed. Then you like how you feel when your on them. So when the pain stops you don't you continue using them even when their is nothing WRONG with you. Now a long time use could end up with you being PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY dependent on them. This action could lead you to do some crazy things.

Illegal drugs are BAD and I really believe from watching friends that I grew up with. They started smoking weed in the park and enjoying the BUZZ that they got. However 10 years on the same people who was once chilling with a spliff are now take CRACK and COKE. It seems to me that once they get use to the BUZZ they need something else with a BIGGER BUZZ and this ends up with them taking something more HARDER. I am not saying that every person who smokes weed gonna move onto HARDER stuff. I just saying that people with an addictive personality if gonna think that they could try it and it would effect them. But is not always the case.

This topic has affected me BADLY not me personality but though very close friends, that have struggled to break away for the drug addiction but felt like they could not as much as they tried. Resulting in death. So even now 6 years on I am struggling now to make sense of why my close friend ain't here chilling with friends and living life.

If you feel like you need help there the priory in Birmingham:

Comment on Being Blogger:

Paedophilia/ Rape

I agree with everything you it is the worse crime that can happen alongside rape. It makes me physically sick that there are people out there all over the world that get a kick out of doing these sickening crimes to innocent children. I also agree with you that the BRITISH justice system favours the villains rather than help the victims. The judges seem like that they don't follow the same rules. Because if someone in BIRMINGHAM was found guilty they could receive a LIFE sentence. However someone in WALES that as done the same nasty crime could receive only TWO years.

Please, please, please try and help me understand what the HELL is happening to this so called justice system.

The latest one that I read lately was about a 3 year old girl and a dirty, evil ******* called Craig Sweeney. He took her from her house and subjected her to a sickening act, dumped her and he can get parole in 5 yrs time. Now the words that I want to say can not be put on this blog and what I really think about what should happen to him as got physically stuck in my throat. (not).

I really understand why some parents are wary of letting their children play out, because realistically you don't know who is one it could be the man over the road.

But trust me if there was CAPITAL PUNISHMENT not even hanging is BAD enough for them.

I believe that these sickening people don't deserve to ever be with normal human being and society again. This topic really gets to me so much that I am going now.
To read more information:

Wednesday 9 May 2007


I was not in the lecture for this lesson, but I get what the subject was LYING. I believe everyone LIES even when your trying not too. It's like a habit that we can not stop even when we try not to ever do it. If people say to me that in their whole life-time they have never LIED then your LYING right now.

I feel that there is a difference in the lies that you tell. There are WHITE LIES when someone asks you a question and you don't wanna hurt their feelings, you may bend the true a bit. For example:
A woman asks her man that 'DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS'. He is not gonna come straight out with it and say 'YES' your bum does look massive. He's gonna bend the truth a little, so not to upset her too much.
There are people that have duvet days from work, where they LIE and say that they are ill, when their fine. So that they can stay and chill at home.
Everyone LIES to get themselves out of things. I heard a GOOD/BAD LIE that really did shock me recently. Don't know how true it is, well here goes:
A person went to a gig the night before a test, they didn't realise it was for the next day. They saw someone from their class that same night who informed them, that the test was the next day. Believing that they know everything they continued partying. However guess what it was their test day. So what could this person do tell the teacher the TRUTH. Hell no go straight to the doctors and say how their body part is hurt, so they can get a sick note and still get to take the test at a later date. Well I say I guess that LYING really pays off sometimes, lets hope this LIE doesn't backfire. Because if they ended back in this situation again I believe they would do the same thing if they could get away with it again, which they probably would.
There are many people that are compulsive LIES that they LIE all the time. This can cause so really BAD problems.
If you feel that you need help read this website:

Saturday 5 May 2007


The lecture was not the most interesting one and people showed this by walking out. However to me gambling is not BAD it is up to the individual how little or how much they spend. Yes it can lead to serious debt, which can affect these around them. But I don't mean to be heartless but everyone is aware of the dangers and the situation that can happen if they spend too much, but half the time their own trying to make their life better, which you can not blame them for that.
Gambling as and will always be a poor man's sport. Its the one quick way a person can become a millionaire, without running out and robbing a bank. If people are honest with themselves they would never see that much money in their whole life-time, even if they saved for it.
Its ashamed that even I gamble now and again and I have that same dream where my son and I can live comfortable without having to worry about money problems. It's became worse now I am a poor student.
If your only having fun, here is a website:

However if you think that you need help here is another website: