Wednesday 9 May 2007


I was not in the lecture for this lesson, but I get what the subject was LYING. I believe everyone LIES even when your trying not too. It's like a habit that we can not stop even when we try not to ever do it. If people say to me that in their whole life-time they have never LIED then your LYING right now.

I feel that there is a difference in the lies that you tell. There are WHITE LIES when someone asks you a question and you don't wanna hurt their feelings, you may bend the true a bit. For example:
A woman asks her man that 'DOES MY BUM LOOK BIG IN THIS'. He is not gonna come straight out with it and say 'YES' your bum does look massive. He's gonna bend the truth a little, so not to upset her too much.
There are people that have duvet days from work, where they LIE and say that they are ill, when their fine. So that they can stay and chill at home.
Everyone LIES to get themselves out of things. I heard a GOOD/BAD LIE that really did shock me recently. Don't know how true it is, well here goes:
A person went to a gig the night before a test, they didn't realise it was for the next day. They saw someone from their class that same night who informed them, that the test was the next day. Believing that they know everything they continued partying. However guess what it was their test day. So what could this person do tell the teacher the TRUTH. Hell no go straight to the doctors and say how their body part is hurt, so they can get a sick note and still get to take the test at a later date. Well I say I guess that LYING really pays off sometimes, lets hope this LIE doesn't backfire. Because if they ended back in this situation again I believe they would do the same thing if they could get away with it again, which they probably would.
There are many people that are compulsive LIES that they LIE all the time. This can cause so really BAD problems.
If you feel that you need help read this website:

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