Thursday 10 May 2007

Comment on Being Blogger:

Paedophilia/ Rape

I agree with everything you it is the worse crime that can happen alongside rape. It makes me physically sick that there are people out there all over the world that get a kick out of doing these sickening crimes to innocent children. I also agree with you that the BRITISH justice system favours the villains rather than help the victims. The judges seem like that they don't follow the same rules. Because if someone in BIRMINGHAM was found guilty they could receive a LIFE sentence. However someone in WALES that as done the same nasty crime could receive only TWO years.

Please, please, please try and help me understand what the HELL is happening to this so called justice system.

The latest one that I read lately was about a 3 year old girl and a dirty, evil ******* called Craig Sweeney. He took her from her house and subjected her to a sickening act, dumped her and he can get parole in 5 yrs time. Now the words that I want to say can not be put on this blog and what I really think about what should happen to him as got physically stuck in my throat. (not).

I really understand why some parents are wary of letting their children play out, because realistically you don't know who is one it could be the man over the road.

But trust me if there was CAPITAL PUNISHMENT not even hanging is BAD enough for them.

I believe that these sickening people don't deserve to ever be with normal human being and society again. This topic really gets to me so much that I am going now.
To read more information:

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