Thursday 10 May 2007


I really believe this topic should have been on the module. Well my thoughts on DRUGS are they are BAD. There are all types of drugs prescription, illegal, etc. All have there way of getting a person hooked so that they are dependent to them BADLY.

With prescripted drugs these are what you get from the doctors. You start taking them for pain or as a anti depressed. Then you like how you feel when your on them. So when the pain stops you don't you continue using them even when their is nothing WRONG with you. Now a long time use could end up with you being PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY dependent on them. This action could lead you to do some crazy things.

Illegal drugs are BAD and I really believe from watching friends that I grew up with. They started smoking weed in the park and enjoying the BUZZ that they got. However 10 years on the same people who was once chilling with a spliff are now take CRACK and COKE. It seems to me that once they get use to the BUZZ they need something else with a BIGGER BUZZ and this ends up with them taking something more HARDER. I am not saying that every person who smokes weed gonna move onto HARDER stuff. I just saying that people with an addictive personality if gonna think that they could try it and it would effect them. But is not always the case.

This topic has affected me BADLY not me personality but though very close friends, that have struggled to break away for the drug addiction but felt like they could not as much as they tried. Resulting in death. So even now 6 years on I am struggling now to make sense of why my close friend ain't here chilling with friends and living life.

If you feel like you need help there the priory in Birmingham:

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