Sunday 25 March 2007

Body Modification

On week 8 the lecture was Body Modification. This lecture was an eye opener and I really enjoyed it. When I 1st read the module I honestly thought it was going to just talk about the what was WRONG with tattoos and piercing. But I was amazed on what actually came under Body Modification. So yes I'm have changed my body..... I'll tell you why???
Starting from the top I cut and dye my hair,wear make-up. I have piercing in my nose and ears and I also have a tattoo on my back, my body has changed due to pregnancy. I usually wear high heels, so there you go from head to toe. I have done BODY MODIFICATION.....

I really wouldn't have put having my hair cut & dyed, wearing make-up, high heels and being pregnant in the same column. Its what most people do, unless their religion tells them not to, but its the "NORM". Tattooing and piercings are what the individual choose to do, so to me that would be Body Modification. The lecturer was right when he said that people choose to change the way they look through dieting, anorexia or bulimia because of what they see in the media. The Media emphases differences and it shows whats in or whats not. Take this size O phrase. Why would society think its RIGHT to have a body of a seven year, but think a fuller figure is UNATTRACTIVE..... If we was in a different country a man would look and find a size O figure UNATTRACTIVE, but a fuller figure ATTRACTIVE. I wear make- up and do my hair not because I want to meet a man. I do it cause I enjoy doing it... I have to admit when I was younger I use to wear very HIGH shoes, to go out. Because I'm short and look young for my age. I never felt that comfortable going out in flat shoes and without make -up.....

All the information that I learnt was very useful. I never knew that under Judaism they would not bury a Jew if they had a tattoo, now that is control over someone and if they did, someone would either cut the tattoo away or cut of the limb. Now that is drastic measures, but its all to do with their religion... Most religion think GOD created you, so to change it from the natural state would be an attack on him. I really don't agree with that cause some people change their appearance due to illness or because they are missing body parts.... Everywhere around the world have experienced Body Modification, some of them was down right ABUSE....

This terrible ABUSE started way back in history. There is branding that the slave masters and Nazis did to the slaves and the Jews. Its degrading because they branded them so their not a actual person. They lose their identity the moment this CRUEL and WICKED thing is done they become whatever name or number the masters pick for them....

Then there's China they BOUND Chinese girls feet from 5 yrs old. In silk, why because they want them to have tiny feet and she would be a GOOD woman because of it. Does this really justify why they do it? NO.... There more info provided:

I was shocked that tattoos seem to be like clothes and come back into fashion. I like learning about Maori tribe that had tattoos that looked like masks on their face. It was really their name and what they represented, everyone had a different design. I like that the men thought that they should receive the same pain as women and decide to tattoo their whole body.....
This lesson will make me think next time I have a tattoo cause my tattoo isn't that special and doesn't mean anything. Its just a plain tattoo that I see on other girls back......

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