Sunday 25 March 2007

Comment on Sageon

Hi Samuel,
I have to comment well here goes...
The only thing that I agree with is that every non- smoker will be jumping up and down when the ban takes place. But you seem to show two different views on smoking. When you have had a drink, you've smoked. Fair enough you regretted it, but you can't be totally anti smoking can you. However you are happy about the ban but that is quite a selfish attitude to have. What about all the people who have smoked for years. Do you really think that you, government and all the other non- smokers should the right to make them feel like "SOCIAL OUTCASTS".What ever happened to this country having "FREEDOM OF SPEECH". I guess not? They are outsiders just because they do something that people don't think is RIGHT.... I hate to tell all the non- smokers but every smoker is aware of the health risks involved. I don't think its acceptable to force them to chose either stay at home and smoke or go out and smoke when they've left the club or pub. Why should they not have the same RIGHTS to enjoy themselves like anybody else. Lets see how you and people that drink, feel when they start banning ALCOHOL. Because trust me that will be the next thing that will go. Don't forget that drinking can also cause damage that smoking can like CANCER.
When you feel like your a "SOCIAL OUTCAST" then you will wish that you left people alone to enjoy what makes them happy...... But government and non- smokers are not thinking about the people that don't live with anyone. Their only form of communicating is by going down to their local pub to have a drink and a smoke . If they can't do that what have they got to look forward too in life. Why should they have to stop that. After all it is their life to do as they wish

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